Summer means more sun, more heat, more sweat. So the couples out there who enjoyed long wintry walks in the park with their fancy jackets and matching mufflers, cannot venture out anymore because the sun will leave them irritated and tanned all over. Fret not! Just because summer is here does not mean you need to cool down the romance. There are activities you can still do as a couple to beat the heat.

1. Have you tried ice skating?

Probably not! But I think I speak for all when I say, nothing gives us more pleasure than chilling in an air conditioned room when it’s 45 degrees outside. Ice skating offers you a fun activity and a super-chilled, big-sized auditorium. This is a fun couple activity to beat the heat. You are indoors in an ice skating rink, putting on your ice skating shoes and gliding on the ice, hand in hand with your loved ones. Granted, there are few indoor rinks in India but if you are living in Worli, Delhi or Kochi, you might want to check out these places with your partner to have a super-chilled afternoon. Read more: Of granny and marriage mantra

2. Midnight milkshake

You don’t even have to go out for this one. Who doesn’t like ice cream and whipped cream put together in a tall glass? Whip up a midnight milkshake right in your house and share it with two straws in one. No judgement calls from anyone and you can do this in your undies too. No one to judge in your own house, right?

3. Gola date

Golas and summers are inseparable. Once the summer months set in, vendors selling coloured-ice flood the streets. There is something so nasty about it and something really pleasurable in sucking on ice on a hot summer day.

4. Frequent showers together

It is not possible for office-going adults to meet for shower-rendezvous but it sure is a nice way to beat the heat.

Cool ways to beat the heat as a couple - 86Cool ways to beat the heat as a couple - 24