So, yes; You’re texting him too much if you find yourself constantly texting him, and if the dominating color of the chat is the color of your texts. You can even tell if you’re texting him too much by his reaction: He either tells you, doesn’t reply, or never lets you know about it. You might be catching yourself not being able to resist the urge to not send that ‘one last’ text ‘just to make sure he’s getting the rest of the texts’, you texting freak! “Another flirty text? Sure. Well, how about another funny one? Absolutely! Okay, just one more…”, and the worst, but my personal favorite: “Helloo? Did you get my texts?” If you resonate with the above, then we absolutely are in need of a talk… Let’s clear this up! 10 obvious signs that you are texting him too much:

1. You text him a lot of times in a row, without leaving him room to respond

When you don’t leave him any room to respond, you can sense a bit of hesitation from his side to reply to your texts. You text him too much if you keep shooting texts at him without leaving room for him to respond, or even catch up to your texts. If you double, triple, or even quadruple text him. Eventually, you notice his responses becoming shorter and less frequent, it’s a sign that you might just be texting him too much.

2. The length of your texts is always longer than his

Your chat contains a lot of your texts, they’re long, they’re full walls of texts, while he replies only with a brick compared to the wall. The analogy? You share stories, you share a lot of things, and he only replies with short texts. That’s not the vibe we’re looking for. You’re texting him too much! In other words, your texts are wordy and very lengthy, while his texts are super short, super trimmed, and forward. Another way to know this is if the chat’s dominant color is your texts’ color, it’s that, exactly that: you’re overdoing it.

3. He doesn’t respond that quick/well, or he’s not responding at all

He always replies a lot later to the texts you send him; And when he does, he replies very shortly. This could mean that he’s trying to find ways to avoid conversing with you, which might indicate that you annoyed him with your texts. There’s a difference between everyone’s definition of ‘too much’. What I consider too much, may not be too much to somebody else. In this case, if you see him constantly replying days after, or like 6-7 hours full-walls not busy having a life), then even a simple “hi” could be ‘too much’ for him. It’s not worth getting upset or sad about it. Your energies don’t match, and that’s okay, it happens to every one of us at some point in our lives.

4. You catch yourself double-texting him

Double text is sending him a text, him reading it (or not) and not responding to it, and then you texting him again. That means you’re not leaving room to respond, and that you’re too impatient for his reply. That’s a sign you should stop texting him. Especially if you’re the one texting this guy first every day. That doesn’t mean that double-texting is not at all acceptable. If it doesn’t happen very often, and it happens from both sides as just something completely normal, then you don’t have to worry much about it. BUT, if he leaves you on read when you ask him a question, resist the urge to ask him again! You’re texting him too much.

5. You text him for no particular reason, not even ‘just for fun’

You might be annoying him if you’re constantly texting him for no apparent reason. This confirms your doubt if he doesn’t respond that well to your urges to text him for no reason. If he’s all cool about it and engages in the conversation, then you’re Gucci. On the other hand, if he’s not showing signs that he’s interested through text, then you might want to change your texting habits!

6. He doesn’t try to continue the conversation: he doesn’t reciprocate

Whether you’re texting him too much or too little has to do a lot with his replies and responses to your texts as well. When he enjoys getting your texts, or when he likes you, he’ll show it even through text. If you’re overdoing the texting then it might push him away, as a result, he tries to end the conversation with you as soon as possible. You’re giving too much detail and words, you don’t let him get curious and keep the conversation going. If he seems not too enthusiastic to move the conversation ahead, then you might want to take this as a sign. A conversation should be enjoyed by both sides, in this case, if he doesn’t enjoy it he’s not going to make a move to go further ahead with it. If this happens with almost every text conversation with him, then you’ve got the sign.

7. Your energy level in texts is way higher than his

You’re super enthusiastic, while he’s super low. You seem excited to be texting, while he seems to be… well, tolerating it, to say the least. If you’re too enthusiastic with emojis and he’s not reciprocating your energy then your energy levels are different from one another. In that case, you might be over-texting him. It’s absolutely okay if being excited about things(including texting) is part of your personality. If that trait of your personality seems to be bothering him, then don’t change your personality; Simply, find someone that’ll be able to accept and admire that part of your personality.

8. It feels like you’re chasing him

You’re always asking the questions, he’s replying shortly. You initiate the texts almost always and he’s not much into it. You’re chasing him. It is a different story if he texts you every day, but if you’re constantly ‘making the move’, then it’s time to take a moment and get the point. Take a look at the chat with him, if this stands true, then you might be doing the ‘too much’ for him. If it feels like you’re chasing him with questions, texts, pictures, or songs, and if it feels he’s escaping those with very short replies, then take it as a sign.

9. You reply right away every single time

You give him the feeling that you’re there waiting for his texts and you can’t wait to reply. This is good, but not to the point where you give the impression that you don’t have a life. You’ve got to be doing something else other than being on your phone all day waiting for his texts. How about he waits for your texts? Unless it’s a thing you both do or something that you do but not on purpose so that you ‘don’t reply too late’, then it’s probably the ‘too much texting’ smelly soup.

10. You have a feeling you’re overdoing it

You see there’s something off, and you wonder if you’re texting him too much. This is it, the bell ringing. You can clearly tell that by just scrolling through your chat. If you have a feeling that you’re over-texting him, then take a step back because it might be a sign that you’re, indeed, texting him too much, or you’re simply ‘worried’ about it. Look at the text messages, look at who’s always texting first, and look for those walls of texts. Pay attention to how much you’re both engaged, is the texting game being one-sided, or there’s reciprocation from both sides?

What is considered excessive texting? – Tackling the basics of ‘too much texting’

We all have different definitions of what too much texting looks like or is. However, there are some basics we should all have in mind! What is ‘too much’ texting? & How much texting is too much in a relationship? Too much texting is if one, or both get annoyed or disturbed by the number of texts they’re receiving from the other side. If both of you are enjoying whatever amount of texts you’re sending, then it’s not too much. However, if one of you is not feeling it as much, then the other is overdoing it for sure. The same rule applies to texting when in a relationship. If one of you is bothered, then a simple “Good morning”, hell just one letter could be too much. It doesn’t have to be a long text to be considered too much. It’s about the energy and the reciprocation within the conversation. Is texting every day too much?/Is it too much to text him every day? Well, texting every day is not too much if: It is all about the feeling, the vibe, the energy that both of you get and receive.

I texted him too much. How do I fix it, how to stop texting him?

You’ve realized you overdid the texting game, now it’s time to come back from texting too much. How, though? There’s a way out of this unless he just stopped texting you back, that’s another story to tackle! First of all, let’s comprehend that this is not the end of our careers as bad texters or just girlfriends. Let’s comprehend it’s not the end of the world. You over-texted, you texted too much, now what? Coming back from texting too much should be easy, right? You know what, Patricia?! It is easy! Here’s how you fix it:

  1. Get something to do. Boredom will lead you to text him too much, for no particular reason, and to overthink the times between your replies. What do you get from it? That’s right: a head full of thoughts that don’t stop spinning, and that serve you no good. Do activities, watch something, read something, or listen to something when you get the urge to text him “just once more.”
  2. Resist the urge to text him again. He’ll reply when he’s interested. Try to read the room before you text him. If he’s the type to respond in short texts, avoid texting him long wordy texts. If it’s not part of your personality then you don’t have to overdo things in order to impress him. If you don’t find something funny, send him a “haha”  instead of a line full of them. If being a serial texter is part of your personality, then own it, queen! You don’t owe him to restrict your enthusiasm – You don’t owe him, nor anyone else that.
  3. Get to know if you’re annoyed by apologizing for texting too much. A simple, “Am I texting too much?” will do the work if this guy is honest and genuine. Then depending on his response, you’ll get to know if you can go on with the same tempo, or if you need to slow it down a little. “Sorry if I’m overdoing the texting” or “Let me know if you think I’m texting too much” will do the work.
  4. Think about it, why do you really want to text him? Once you ask yourself that question, you realize the importance of the text you’re about to send him. If you’re either bored or in need of attention don’t send the text. If you genuinely care about him and the topic you’re about to text him about, you’ll figure it out yourself. You’ll notice that your texting will get more reasonable and conscious.

Situation? Tackled!

It’s about the vibe, the energy, the feelings, the mood, the reciprocation. You know what to look for in that chat now. Whatever the case would be, stop hanging around the phone, or making your entire world revolve around the guy and his impression of you. Own what you are, and try your best to be reasonable. You’ve got this! Sincerely, Callisto

Am I texting him too much    What is considered texting too much  - 44Am I texting him too much    What is considered texting too much  - 66Am I texting him too much    What is considered texting too much  - 67Am I texting him too much    What is considered texting too much  - 86Am I texting him too much    What is considered texting too much  - 86Am I texting him too much    What is considered texting too much  - 56