7 Indians Share Their Most Intimate Outdoor Sex Experiences

Indians don’t have outdoor sex experiences as often as their counterparts in Western countries do. This is mainly because most Indians can’t shed off their inhibitions when it comes to making it in the outdoors. But those who can do that have very interesting stories to share about their outdoor sex experiences. We spoke to 7 Indians who gave us the best insights.

1. Isn’t the pool the best place for outdoor sex?

“When in college, we used to have an election-end party, after every college election. So a group of 20 people would book an apartment in Vedic Village and have a party there for one night. This was in my final year of college where all 20 people got together in a duplex and boozed and got high for a night. There was a pool on the terrace. My boyfriend and I mostly stayed in one of the bedrooms. In the morning, I went to the pool for some morning freshness. My boyfriend joined me after a few minutes. We just looked at each other and we knew instantly we had to do it. He got in the pool, ripped his clothes off and mine and we had sex at 7 in the morning. It was the horny, crazy thing we did. It was only when we came out of the pool that we realised there was a couple who had passed out on the other side of the terrace. But this was the most amazing outdoor sex experience and I think a pool is the best place we could have chosen. ”

2. The great Indian romance in the terrace

“When I went for a vacation at my girlfriend’s place, we sneaked to the terrace at night, because we had different bedrooms to sleep at night. The terrace was on the 13th floor and there was no one around who could see us. But occasionally people from the neighbouring building would come up to smoke or enjoy the night breeze and we had to stop in the middle of a thrust to not moan or grunt and be really quiet. It was dark so they could not see us, but they could still hear the noises we made. We sneaked up there every night. I would give my right arm to have that kind of outdoor sex again.”

3. Parking hanky-panky

“We finished shopping really late at night and walked back to the parking lot. I had come in under budget for all the things I bought and that really gets me going. There were three cars around and I started rubbing my husband’s arms. He looked at me with a grin and said “Here? Now?” I nodded and got on top of him with him saying “This is so hot”. We did not even need any foreplay.  We were doing absolute public sex and I don’t know what would have happened if anyone had seen us. It was when we saw the parking police come towards us that we finished climaxing really quick and got the hell out of there. What a rush but what mind-blowing sex.”

4. Outdoor sex on the boulders

“This was in December. There are these boulders in the clearing of the forest in my university. There was a girl in my class who flirted with me the entire evening. At night, we made out behind the trees and before we knew it, we were going at it like animals. I sat on the boulder and she sat on me and we had sex. Can outdoor sex get any crazier than this?”

5. Sex on the beach is not just a fun drink

“In a fishing boat on the beach. The beach was pretty abandoned at night because it is allegedly haunted. After nightfall, we drank Bacardi lemon on the beach and climbed on the boat to make out and later have sex. We could be as loud as possible and the boat kept rocking gently on the sand. The sound of the waves was really something.”

6. Rustic charm can get the blood flowing

“My husband and I went to visit his grandfather in a village in Assam. On one of our nightly walks through the rustic path, we came across this small lake with trees all around. We sat there for a while, in the moonlight. While going back, I leaned against the tree and he came to kiss me. What I thought to be a make-out session turned out more passionate than that. We undid our clothes and had the best doggy-style sex ever.”

7. Outdoor sex in the rain

“We were a gang of friends partying on a friend’s terrace. We were in college then and I remember that day was very hot. We were downing bottles of cheap rum and sweating profusely sitting under a single fan in their terrace room. Then the clouds started gathering and when it started to pour all of us jumped onto the terrace to dance like peacocks in the rain. That’s when my naughty boyfriend took me to another part of the terrace and showed me a ladder to the upper part. We quickly climbed up there and started making out in the rain and then I was on the floor and he was on me and it was crazy. Whenever I see the rain these days I remember that moment of crazy outdoor sex on that small upper terrace. It brings a smile to my lips.” If you ever get gutsy enough to try outdoor sex, do mind the thorns! And remember to keep a lookout for onlookers. It is not pleasing watching a random man flicking his own by watching you get some.

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