In life, you can never be 100% sure about how well do you know your partner. This is irrespective of the amount of time you both have spent together in a relationship. It doesn’t matter if you have spent days or years as a couple. The bitter truth is that you can never be too sure about your performance while answering these “how well do you know your partner” questions. So, pull up your socks and brace yourself for the moment of truth.

51 Questions To Determine How Well Do You Know Your Partner

Sounds scary? But hey, I have got your back! Here is a list of some handpicked “how well do you know your partner” questions that can help you determine whether you know your partner like the back of your hand or if there are still some facets of their personality you need to explore. No matter what the outcome is, there is a bright side to it. If you know your partner inside out, then you can be sure you’ve reached an aspirational level of intimacy. If not, then view it as an opportunity to uncover newer sides to them. Where do you think you stand? There is only one way to find out: trying your hand at some “how well do you know your partner” questions. Let’s get to it:

How Well Do You Know Your Partner, Their Childhood, And Family 

Not knowing your partner’s childhood is like not knowing a big part of them. A person’s family and childhood have a huge impact on who they are today as a person. Answer these questions to see how well do you know your partner, their childhood, and family.

How Well Do You Know Your Partner Sexually Questions

Answering these “how well do you know your partner” questions can be a hot way to flaunt your knowledge about your bae. Knowing what turns them on and what they like in bed reflects a great level of intimacy in the relationship. Answer the following questions to determine how well you know your partner sexually.

2. What is your partner’s favorite nickname? 

Knowing a person’s favorite nickname may give you an idea about why they like that particular name. The best part about these “how well do you know your partner” questions is that they quiz you on your partner’s preferences and childhood habits. Also, you get bonus points for sharing that fun story of how they got that particular nickname. This fun story-telling session would surely strengthen your bond.

3. Mom vs dad – who does your partner resemble more?

Trying to determine how well do you know your partner? Try answering this question. You might as well know what you are getting into. Knowing which one of their parents they resemble the most shows that you have got a lot of insights into who they are, inside and out. Usually, people acquire some particular habits and traits from their parents. Your answer to this question will determine whom to call for help the next time you come across any of your partner’s quirky habits. 

4. Is your partner still in touch with his school friends?

Knowing the answer to these “how well do you know your partner” questions shows how well you know what your partner was like as a child. If you know this, you have a fair idea of your partner’s attachment style and what they expect in a relationship. It may also mean that you already know what are the things that might drive your partner away from a person.

5. Does your partner enjoy family gatherings?

How well do you know your partner? A part of this answer also depends on how well you know their family as well as the extended family. Their aversion or love for family gatherings can help you understand if your partner is distant or close to his/her family. If you got this one right, you have a fun one coming next. 

6. What was the worst trouble your partner got in as a child?

Out of all “how well do you know your partner” questions, this one for sure will make you smile. Knowing the worst thing that your partner did as a child shows that you know them well. It means that they are not afraid to share even the most embarrassing moments of their life with you. 

7. How well do you know about the pet your partner grew up with?

It might not seem very relevant to the “how well do you know your partner” questions. But knowing different stories about your partner’s pet can actually give you a lot of insight into their childhood. Plus, it clearly tells you whether they are a cat or a dog person, which is kind of a big deal for many couples.

8. How many siblings does your partner have? Do they get along?

Hey, if you end up together and get married someday, these people will be your extended family. You might as well gather some knowledge about your partner’s siblings early on to get along with them better. A friendly and affectionate connection with the extended family is always a good thing to keep a relationship strong and happy.

9. Do you know which relatives in the family your partner absolutely cannot stand?

This is one of the tricky “how well do you know your partner” questions. It shows how much your partner opens up about their negative emotions to you and trusts you with their personal family matters. And knowing about such small hiccups can give you an edge in helping them ease their relationships with these family members.

10. As a child, what did your partner want to become when they grow up?

There is no denying the fact that you should know about your partner’s dreams and goals even if that aspiration met its end ten years back when they chose to become an illustrator and not a rocket scientist. Having similar goals in life with your partner is also kind of important for relationships that last long.

Relationship And Love Questions

Being in a relationship requires you to be aware of what your partner expects from you. Knowing your partner’s definition of love and a successful relationship can help you both strengthen your bond. Answer these deep relationship questions to know how well do you know your partner.

12. How many people has your partner slept with? 

Past experiences don’t determine your future. But they surely play an important part in shaping who you are today. Knowing the number of people your partner has slept with shows how well you know your partner. It is an indicator that your partner does not hide anything from you.

13. Is your partner adventurous when it comes to sex?

Knowing what you are getting into is no doubt the best choice moving forward. And having prior knowledge about your partner’s ‘adventurous’ side is always safe. Besides, a clear understanding of your partner’s sexual preferences depicts how well do you know your partner sexually.

14. What’s the first thing that sexually attracts your partner to someone?

Knowing what your partner likes and what turns them on is a great way to spice things up in a relationship. Your answer to this question shows if you know your partner enough to spell out what exactly they like about you.

15. Does your partner have any insecurities about his body or a particular body part?

Being aware of your partner’s insecurities can bring you closer to them. It might help you both be more comfortable while getting intimate. Encouraging your partner to try new things and being non-judgmental could be the sweetest way of expressing your love.

16. What are some non-sexual actions or things that turn your partner on?

Charming your partner with your seduction skills is great. But knowing what non-sexual actions turn your partner on shows how well do you know your partner. Knowing about the non-sexual things and actions that your partner finds sexy conveys that you have successfully established a perfect connection with him/her that extends beyond physical attraction and sexual chemistry.

17. What are your partner’s most sensitive erogenous zones?

Wondering how to make a relationship last longer? Love, companionship, communication, trust, and great sex. This is why it’s one of the most important “how well do you know your partner” questions to ask and answer. And you can easily answer it if you have explored every inch of your partner’s body and know exactly which spot arouses them like crazy.

18. Who does your partner think about while touching themselves?

Now this one might be tricky because your partner may not want to talk to you about such private matters. Some people aren’t bothered by who their partner fantasizes about as long as they are loyal to them in real life. For others, it can be a touch topic that can trigger conflict. So tread carefully.

19. What is your partner’s idea of dressing sexy?

While you are answering all kinds of “how well do you know your partner” questions, give this one a shot too. Knowing whether your boyfriend likes it when you put your hair up or your girl goes weak in the knees seeing you in that black shirt will give you more opportunities to steal compliments from each other.

20. Do your partner have any specific sexual fetish or fantasy?

Care to make your relationship interesting? Find out about your partner’s wild fantasies. Once you have an idea about what kind of sexual things your partner is into, be it roleplaying, dirty talk, or eating hot fudge off you naked, use this knowledge to spice up your sex life.

How Well Do You Know Your Partner Questions – Funny

Whether you want to bond instantly as a newlywed couple or you have been dating for years, the more fun you have in a relationship, the more beautiful your connection becomes. Knowing some of the funny stories about your partner and sharing a laugh or two can help you work through the hardest months in a relationship. Lighten your mood by answering these funny “how well do you know your partner” questions. 

22. Does your partner get insecure or jealous often? 

Insecurity or jealousy are normal human traits. But knowing how often your partner goes through those emotions is necessary. The answer to this “how well do you know your partner” question shows if you can correctly identify your partner’s emotional responses to real-life situations.

23. What are the three things your partner does not like about you?

Among the different “how well do you know your partner” questions, this one will require you to be 100% honest. Spelling out a list of the top three things your partner dislikes the most about you shows that you understand that there are certain things you both might not agree on. 

24. How many relationships did your partner have?

Talking about past relationships does not have to be scary or turn into a bitter experience. It is always good to know the number of relationships your partner has been in before meeting you. So, do you? Try answering this question to find out.

25. How and why did your partner’s last relationship end?

If you know the answer to this “how well do you know your partner” question, it shows that your partner trusts you. It is usually difficult to share your heart-breaking past with someone you are in a relationship with currently.

26. Does your partner believe in a monogamous relationship?

Discussing your relationship and various ideologies can help you both ascertain your compatibility. Knowing your partner’s views on monogamy and polygamy shows that you understand your partner’s preferences and thought processes clearly.

27. How does your partner define cheating?

Infidelity is a complicated domain and couples should discuss their threshold to keep a relationship forever. While some couples can get past and forgive emotional cheating, even an online affair can be a deal breaker for many. Knowing what infidelity looks like to your partner can help you sidetrack the hardest months in a relationship – the post-fling phase.

28. How does your partner feel about children?

Trust me, it’s one of those “how well do you know your partner” questions that you shouldn’t avoid. If you are with the right person and you see a long and happy future with them, knowing their thoughts on marriage and family is a must. Different perceptions regarding marriage and having children can lead to complications if you don’t address the matter right away.

29. What is your partner’s love language?

How will you keep a relationship strong and happy without knowing about your partner’s love language? If your partner is more of an ‘act of service’ person and you believe in ‘words of affirmation’, it can trigger some unpleasant clashes. Once you learn about their way of showing love and adjust your expectations around it, your relationship will have a smooth sail.

30. Does your partner have any kind of relationship insecurities?

Severe trust issues, commitment phobia, or insecure attachment style can turn into breakup triggers sooner or later. So, we believe you should focus on such “how well do you know your partner” questions to ensure you are in a healthy relationship that is actually moving forward.

Random How Well Do You Know Your Partner Questions

Wait! I got something extra for you! Here’s a list of some random “how well do you know your partner” questions. These questions can be a fun way to start a conversation and learn some brand new information about your partner. 

32. What’s the most useless talent your partner has?

While answering these funny “how well do you know your partner” questions, don’t forget to spill out your partner’s hidden talents. Your knowledge of your partner’s most useless talents is not something you will be quizzed about often. So, if you know the answer, now is the chance to flaunt it.

33. What is your partner’s most embarrassing public moment?

The answer to this “how well do you know your partner” question might not be a fun ride for your partner. But it sure as hell would be hilarious to you. Sharing your partner’s most embarrassing public moment would definitely crack you up. But more importantly, it shows that your relationship is a safe space, free from any judgment or prejudice.

34. What is your partner’s guilty pleasure show/movie?

Let’s see if there are any secrets between the two of you, even if they are embarrassing. The fact that you know the name of a terrible show/movie that your partner secretly loves is amazing though you may still complain while watching it with them. It shows that you have accepted your partner with all their quirks.

35. What is the craziest thing your partner has ever done?

We all do crazy things at some point in life. But did your partner trust you with theirs? Knowing the craziest thing your partner has ever done could be fun and exciting. More importantly, it tells you how much they trust you with their hidden, crazier side, which is a secret for everyone else.

36. Has your partner ever been tricked into doing something dumb?

What’s a series of funny “how well do you know your partner” questions without a hilarious account of something dumb that your partner did? Knowing what is the dumbest thing that your partner was tricked into doing shows that you are well aware of their carefree side too.

37. What is the weirdest food combo that your partner secretly loves?

Do you want to make your relationship interesting? Find out about your partner’s favorite weird food combo and try along. Whether it’s Cheetos and milk or banana and grilled cheese, just dive right in and get a taste of their bizarre side.

38. Has your partner ever run out of a bad date?

It’s one of the easiest of the “how well do you know your partner” questions we are going through today. But it kind of gives away how much you and your partner share with each other. At the same time, you get to know what unattractive qualities in a person can chase your partner away within an hour.

39. What are the cheesiest pick-up lines your partner has tried?

“How well do you know your partner” questions like this won’t add any extra spark to your relationship, except to help you discover a different side of your partner. Suppose three years into dating them, you hear from a friend that your partner was a bit of a Casanova in college. It will be fun to know about the things they did and said to pick up dates, you know, for the sake of pure amusement.

40. Is your partner fond of pranks?

How to make a relationship last longer? By building a strong, genuine friendship with your partner. If your partner is a born prankster, be their partner in crime. In fact, use their little pranks on them and have some crazy fun! I hope this list of some fun and interesting questions will help you analyze how well do you know your partner. The questions will help you identify the aspects of your partner’s personality that are hidden from you. You can work on those aspects by improving communication in your relationship. Come back to Bonobology for more dating and relationship tips and advice. Meanwhile, have fun with these 51 questions to determine how well do you know your partner.

42. What is your partner’s favorite fictional character?

You must have had many elaborate discussions on various movies and series that you both may have watched. But do you know who your partner’s favorite fictional character is?

43. Does your partner believe in ghosts? 

I am sure that you have tried to prank your partner on multiple occasions. So, was it the ghost prank that startled them? 

44. What’s the best gift your partner has ever received?

Gift-giving love language has its own charm in a relationship. Knowing about the best gift your partner has ever received shows that you care about their likes and dislikes. It means that you make an effort before getting something for them. 

45. What makes your partner cringe?

Knowing what makes your partner cringe can minimize the number of times you annoy them. Also, if you have answered this correctly, pat yourself on the back, for it also means you know multiple ways to irritate them when the need arises. 

46. What is your bae’s dream vacation?

Knowing your partner’s dream vacation shows that you do care about their wishes and happiness.

47. What does your partner hate the most about his work?

Knowing what your partner hates the most about their job or work shows that you care about their dreams and aspirations. They are not afraid to share their weakest moments with you and see you as their safe space.

48. Has your partner ever fallen in love with a character from a book?

If you too are an avid bookworm, I am sure you would like to know if your partner is obsessed with books enough to fall in love with a fictional character. Relationships that last are often based on such similar passions.

49. What does your partner like to do to unwind after a long day?

If you know about their way of relaxing, you can actually make some quality time out of this. Be it a bubble bath with a bottle of wine, a gentle massage, or just sitting and talking about your day, spending this time together can help you connect with your partner on a deeper level.

50. What color are your partner’s eyes?

It’s important to be mindful of the little things about your partner to keep a relationship forever and never let the romance die. So have you ever lost yourself in their ocean blue eyes?

51. If they can go back in time and undo one life mistake, which one would it be?

Let’s wrap up our “how well do you know your partner” questions list with a self-reflective one. Knowing about your partner’s complicated past and accepting their present with an open heart speaks a lot about your intense feelings for them.

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