From Jack and Rose in Titanic to Romeo and Juliet in well…Romeo and Juliet, the magnetic attraction between two people is the basis of eternal love-at-first-sight stories in hundreds of books, movies, and plays. The love angle may come in at a later stage, but when you feel the electricity with someone who sends your pulse racing, it’s a surefire sign that the chemistry between the two of you is at a boiling point!

What Causes Chemistry Between Two People?

There is a reason that this irresistible yet unspoken mutual attraction between two people who have just met, is called ‘chemistry’. You may have come across the term several times in literature and movies and perhaps even used it loosely to describe the hottie at work or the guy who caught your eye at the shopping mall. But what does intense mutual chemistry actually mean? What causes intense attraction? The reason or the meaning is quite scientific. A gist of several kinds of research done on this very interesting subject says that in human chemistry there is a chemical bond whose function is to hold human molecules (in this case, people) together. It is these chemical bonds that trigger intense chemistry with someone, leading to you feeling that special connection with someone. This results in the aforementioned inexplicable magnetic attraction between two people who are perhaps meant to be together, even if for a short time. In other words, chemistry can be described as a combination of emotional, psychological, and physiological ways in which two people relate to each other. American researcher and author of Anatomy of Love: The Natural History of Monogamy, Adultery and Divorce, Helen Fisher, states in her paper on Romantic Love that the exhilaration of attraction is associated with phenylethylamine (PEA), which is chemically related to the amphetamines, and with the action of monoamine neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the limbic system and associated areas of the brain. This is one of the reasons that you can even see signs of chemistry between strangers. Confused? So are we! In a nutshell, just understand that chemistry is related to the chemical reactions in the brain that cause you to feel drawn to someone you barely know. Of course, once the chemical reaction settles in, other factors take over. Namely, sexual attraction (this is an important factor), similarity, non-judgmental attitude, and good communication. A perfect combination of all of these makes way for the signs of chemistry between two people.

What Are The Signs of Chemistry Between Two People?

Now that we know what causes intense attraction, let’s shift our focus to “What are the mutual chemistry signs?” Can other people see the chemistry between two people? Well, if the signs of a love connection between two people are really powerful, then the answer is yes. The magnetic attraction between two people results in a vibe so strong that it is impossible to hide the affection one person has for the other or vice-versa. Recent example? Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga! Who can forget their sizzling Oscar performance that left the whole world wondering if they were secretly in love as the sexual tension was definitely felt by one and all. Coming close on the heels of their blockbuster movie A Star is Born, where they looked super hot together, it was impossible to believe they were not attracted to each other. Likewise, in real life too, there are definite signs to watch out for when there is romantic chemistry between people. Are you recently getting a strong feeling that you might have a genuine connection with someone? But you don’t know what your next move should be or if they can even notice these intense chemistry signs. Here are some of these signs to help you transform chemistry into a happy and healthy relationship:

1. Continuous eye contact

Among the strong signs of chemistry between strangers, eye contact attraction definitely makes the top of the list. In the dating game, the first move is ironically made by the eyes. Romance begins when you suddenly spot someone in the crowd and then your stubborn eyes are fixed on them for the rest of the evening. As the minutes pass, you find yourself involuntarily trying to spot them again and again. Soon enough, they will catch you staring from across the room. Given that you didn’t ogle at them like a serial killer spotting their prey, this person may reciprocate and your eyes will keep locking several times. This is one of the most telling signs of chemistry between strangers.

2. The body language changes

This is one of the signs of chemistry that perhaps escapes even the individuals involved in the equation. If you have ever wondered, “What does chemistry feel like?”, notice your body language. You may be slightly leaning on the object of your affection, you would be seeking to sit closer to them. Perhaps you’d be unconsciously biting your lips or playing with your hair in their presence. A little too much smiling and paying attention while they are speaking to you, these signs say there is a magnetic attraction between two people. All of these gestures are manifestations of the strong pull and attraction you feel toward them or they toward you.

3. There is a strong sexual tension

Physical attraction is one of the reasons for chemistry between two people. Despite getting introduced to them in a meeting, if there is another occasion to meet, you might feel a small tension in the pit of your stomach. Your body can even feel a bit tight initially. You would look for opportunities to brush your fingers against theirs or touch them gently. Whenever you are in the same room, the sexual tension is set on fire! If there is obvious chemistry between man and woman, they can’t stop fantasizing about a lingering first kiss with this person. Remember how Diane Lane used to stiffen when she’d meet Olivier Martinez in Unfaithful? It was the prelude to a scorching affair. Feeling sexually drawn to each other even when there is no romantic angle in your relationship yet is one of the undeniable mutual chemistry signs.

4. Time flies when you are with them

It may not always be about an unspoken sexual tension or mere physical attraction. Being in the company of this person may result in you losing track of time. This is because, aside from the strong feeling of mutual attraction, you are also enamored by the deep conversations, the laughter, and most of all, their pleasant nature. They ask you out for a coffee and to your utter surprise, it turns into a date where you don’t bring the phone out of your bag even once. Because there was not a single moment of dullness in the happy hours you spent with them. You shared a certain level of comfort where silence didn’t feel awkward either. If these are not the signs 2 people like each other, then what are? Even if you’ve just met them or are still getting to know each other, you feel as comfortable with them as you would with an old friend. It’s a great feeling to be constantly entertained in a person’s company and that’s only possible when you have intense chemistry with someone.

5. You want to see them again and again

The chemistry between two people works the strongest in the initial part of a potential relationship. When you feel that incredible electricity with someone, it is but natural to want to see them more often. You may make extra efforts to meet the person by arranging meetups or going to the events that they’re attending. Not only do you plan to bump into them deliberately, but you make sure to bring your A-game to sweep them off their feet. Going that extra mile to look ravishing before these rendezvous and looking for or creating excuses to see them are surefire signs of chemistry. These might just become the basis for a deeper connection.

6. You may try to stalk them on social media

The first reaction when you spot the involuntary signs of attraction toward someone is to look them up on social media. If you suddenly receive too many like notifications on your posts or comments on old pictures from a person you have just met and you feel like doing the same, know that there is something brewing between the two of you. If you have this intense mutual chemistry, you might feel obsessed with this person and want to know absolutely everything about them. What’s their favorite movie, their current read, their go-to cafe in the city – such minute details will invoke your curiosity. You may end up stalking them on social media, seeing their daily updates, and looking up old photos to assess their personality through Instagram.

7. The subtle flirting begins

Few people would like anyone coming on too strongly to them, except when there is mutual attraction. That’s why one of the foremost signs of chemistry is that you don’t seem to mind if they begin to subtly flirt with you. If anything, it will give you a kaleidoscope of butterflies in your stomach! The goodbye kiss might last just a bit longer, the handshake might be a wee bit tighter, and even those small gestures feel oh-so-passionate and wonderful! A part of you yearns for more. If you can relate to these feelings, know that you’re experiencing mutual chemistry signs first-hand.

8. You feel positive

When you are with a person who you share incredible chemistry with, you feel like you are with a friend. The attraction apart, there is a certain ease of approach that makes you enjoy their company. They bring a smile to your face like no one else can. It is the powerful magnetic attraction between two people at work here and you’d rather be around this one person who makes your energy levels vibrate highly!

9. The small things become important

When you fall out of love with someone, you may even forget the person’s birthday. On the other hand, if you have a genuine connection with someone, you tend to remember and notice the smallest of things. A new hairdo, a changed Whatsapp DP, a simple joke cracked at a gathering, and the minutest details of whatever they have shared about their life with you. And it goes vice versa when the attraction is mutual. That one time you casually mentioned a camping trip you always wanted to go on. Months later, this special someone might surprise you with two tickets to share a few days in the wilderness with you. How amazing is that!

10. You focus only on each other

The world stands still when you experience intense chemistry signs. Everything else becomes blurry in the background and it’s just you and them in the picture. Suppose you are together at a friend’s party. If this person is attracted to you, they will ignore the crowd of familiar faces around and only get drinks for you, they will pay attention to your words, and if things go well, they may ask you for a dance. Your attitude changes as well. For instance, let’s say you were about to quit your job but suddenly, you notice all these signs a coworker likes you. You might actually feel different about the office environment even though nothing is changed. The work pressure is still the same, some colleagues are still playing workplace politics. Just because there are signs of a love connection with this cutie, the thought of going to the office every morning doesn’t seem so dreary after all.

11. The same things make you laugh

If you want to know how you connect with a person, notice what makes you laugh. A sense of humor is something that we seek in our partners. If two people know how to make each other laugh, it’s a sure-shot sign that they share a crackling chemistry. Do they instantly catch your Friends references and you too are equally adept at responding to theirs? We are not suggesting you both have to have an impeccable sense of humor. What’s important is whether your super corny and dad jokes can crack them hard. The wavelength you share, the fact that you think alike, and make each other so happy, all these are good enough to establish the signs 2 people like each other. It is this banter that makes a new relationship so much fun.

12. You look like a couple

How many times have people remarked “Hey, but we thought you were dating” on seeing you with a friend? It means that even if you haven’t begun dating officially, there is something about your body language and the way you behave together that makes it seem like you are a couple. That clearly indicates the growing chemistry between man and woman. You care for each other way too much. You bring lunch for this friend, take notes for them in class, and literally do everything together. It is one of the signs that you’re transitioning from friends to lovers. Even if you’re both in denial about your feelings, the mutual chemistry signs are too obvious to not be noticed by others.

13. You soften your voice

Just like body language changes when you are feeling drawn to someone, so does your voice. If the magnetic attraction between two people soars high, automatically, there is a softness and gentle caring tone when they speak about/with each other. It’s not an act that you are putting on to impress them but something that comes very spontaneously out of genuine love and concern. It may even surprise your friends who have never seen this coy side of you. The change in voice and tone, which is as evident as your relaxed smile and warmth when you talk about them, is one of the tell-tale indicators that you share intense chemistry with someone.

14. You want to adjust

You’re hanging out together, watching Netflix, and binging on pizza. They want to watch Ocean’s 8 for the zillionth time, you are in the mood for a Friends rerun for the billionth time. A remote has often been the cause of conflict between couples. When you connect with someone on a deeper level, these conflicts become inconsequential. In this case, you really don’t mind giving the heist film another chance. Not just to keep them happy, but you genuinely feel okay about changing plans. Spending time with them is more important than fighting over Netflix! And that, my friend, is one of the involuntary signs of attraction.

15. You feel a huge sense of familiarity

Forget the unspoken tension or the unspoken mutual attraction for a bit. When there is romantic chemistry between people, there is a sense of familiarity too. It’s as if they have known each other for years. This also shows a high degree of compatibility especially if the interests are similar.

16. Conversation flows easily

Do you know what the biggest date spoiler is? Bad or boring conversation. It isn’t a pretty sight when you are with someone and suddenly run out of topics to talk about. Well, that won’t happen if the intense chemistry signs between the two of you are flying all around the place. You won’t need speed dating questions to start conversations with them or brush up on witty one-liners before meeting them. Even if you’re drawn to someone you barely know, one of the signs of chemistry between two people is the easy-flowing conversation that you don’t want to end.

17. The anticipation is intense

They say you shouldn’t have too many expectations or you are bound to be disappointed. Well, two people who share sexual chemistry are clearly an exception to this rule. Despite the comfort level and the surety that there is a strong attraction at both ends, you may still be anxious about what they feel. You anticipate their every move and try to modify your own just to see if there is a possibility of a future together.

18. The crazy ‘butterfly in the stomach’ feeling

It might be the oldest cliché in the world that you feel butterflies in your stomach when you see the object of your mad attraction. But it is among the surest signs 2 people like each other. This feeling gets augmented manifold when your connection is fired up by intense chemistry. Signs of chemistry between two people say that the slight tingly feeling you get when you are excited about something becomes far more pronounced and hard to contain. If you’re not sure about how you feel about someone you’re attracted to, just listen to the butterflies in your stomach.

19. The pheromones add to the magic

Back to chemistry! When we feel attracted to someone, the body produces pheromones, a hormone that causes attraction and sexual desire. The pheromones affect our bodies and make them produce certain smells that attract potential sexual mates! So yes, it’s not just fragrance that may be making him go crazy but also the pheromones.

20. You seek attention

It doesn’t take too much effort to attract his attention, but a sign of chemistry between two people tells that you may want to get attention only from that special someone. You may end up making a scene (not in a negative way) just to ensure that he doesn’t miss out on you. But be careful in this scenario, so that you don’t end up making a fool of yourself trying to impress your crush.

21. Your heart beats faster

Whenever the signs two people are in love are discussed, the matter of racing heartbeats comes into the picture. Once again, the oldest and the most potent sign of intense chemistry between two people is that your heart starts beating faster when you see them. It’s a wonderful feeling and something you don’t want to end. Ever. Chemistry is natural and something that can’t be planned or controlled. While it would be foolhardy to presume it is love, it can definitely be the first step toward a meaningful and long-term relationship. Enjoy the process, the feeling, and take cautious steps toward the next chapter in your book of relationships!

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