We’ve all day-dreamed of getting proposed to by our man in the most romantic and special ways. But while we long for this blessed occasion, we are often caught off-guard. Now that your dating gurus are here, that’s not going to happen anymore! Join us on our trail and keep your hawk eyes wide open to identify signs of a proposal coming your way as we escort you on your journey toward love.

When Does A Man Usually Propose?

Having spent years in your relationship, you might be on the lookout for marriage proposal signs. Having found your soulmate in him, you are waiting to be asked the big question. But are you sure he feels the same way for you? Is he struck by Cupid yet? Did he have his epiphanic moment when he realized you are the one he wants to grow old with? We don’t know. But what we do know is there could be subtle signs he is going to propose, and you can spot them with a little help from us. This brings us to wonder – How soon can a man propose? Well, this depends on whether you are dating a Mr. Darcy or a Joey Tribbiani. He could keep his feelings hidden until he simply can’t anymore, or you’ll never see him propose because he’s already run away. Or your man might pop the question two steady years into the relationship, or he could jump the gun and get an engagement ring within a few weeks of meeting you. He might want to declare his love for you by shouting from the rooftops, or he might be that old-fashioned guy who first needs to ensure your parents are on board with the proposal. What we do know is that he will propose to you when he feels emotionally, mentally, and even financially ready to make the big move.

13 Sure-Shot Signs He Is Going To Propose Soon

Differentiating between love and attachment can sometimes get more difficult than rocket science. But once you figure that out, there is the anticipation of an imminent proposal. It is natural for you to think, “Okay, it’s been quite long now. It’s about time to put a ring on it.” But how can you be sure that he wants to sing, I think I wanna marry you? Well, if you look carefully, you will find certain signs he is going to propose to you sooner than you think. This is where your relationship counselor steps in to hold your hand through a few (13 to be precise) subtle signs he is going to propose to you. So, brace yourself as you look out for these green signals, for who knows, you could be walking down the aisle soon.

1. He is trying to save money

You know there are marriage proposal signs when you find your man turning frugal for no apparent reason. If there has been no significant change in his income or job and yet he is shying from splurging, then chances are this is one of his ways to sort out his finances before and after the big day. Proposals are incomplete without engagement rings and you know your man is going to surprise you with a sparkling stone. The next time you hear him talk about savings and being financially secure, or when he suggests opening a savings account for both of you, these could be hints that he wants to propose to you or wants to live together as a couple. He’s trying to save for a future with you. How about you help him with ideas and ways to save money for the rainy days too? We are sure that this sweet, practical gesture will add to all the love he bears for you in his heart.

2. He is taking note of others’ rings

Cishet men and their interest in female jewelry is as rare as wings upon a cat. That is, you will never be able to spot it – but with one exception. It’s when your man is planning to buy a ring for you. So as soon as he starts saving his pennies for that glittering rock, he would also start showing (albeit unconsciously) interest in the rings worn by people around him. This is one of the subtle signs he is going to propose soon. This one comes from my personal experience. It seems funny to think of it in hindsight, how blatantly I overlooked my boyfriend’s growing interest in rings. How he went on talking about everyone’s wedding rings, be it my friend Chloe’s, or my sister Mandy’s. But here I was, like all other love-smitten people, blinded by my emotions to take note of these small changes in my man. Four years into our relationship, and I was eagerly awaiting a proposal, almost to the point of desperation (yeah, talk about being silly in love!). At one point, I almost made up my mind to go ahead and propose to him. Just then, I was shocked out of my wits by a jaw-droppingly beautiful band of gold. So yes, when you see your love’s increasing concern with rings, you know happier times are around the corner.

3. He gets closer to your friends/family

You know how surprises can be successfully executed ‘only’ with the help of friends/family acting as close allies? After all, he does need to keep someone in the loop to maybe distract you or to coordinate better or to know your whereabouts. Picture this – your birthday is coming next week and you have some plans with your BFF, followed by a dinner date with him. As you go about your day with your bestie, he arranges for a few surprises during the day in his gift-giving love language, ending the day with a romantic proposal. It only makes sense that he will plan all of this with your friend in the know, keeping a tab on you all the while (without you knowing any of it, of course). Had it been more evident beforehand, you could have recognized signs he is going to propose on your birthday. So if he is getting closer to your friends/family and there are increasing meet-ups or conversations between them, you might just be in for a surprise soon (or it might not be a ‘surprise’ anymore).

4. There are discussions about the future

Your conversations are no more casual and flirty. They are increasingly veering toward the ‘future’. You know you love someone truly when you see yourself together in the future. What is it that Robert Browning said about marrying? Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be! Your partner sure believes in this and he foresees the two of you together, holding each other’s hands right through old age. Your man brings up thoughtful questions with regard to love and life. The conversations are laced with future plans and the times coming ahead – be it your profession, your life goals, or what you are looking for in your partner. When the channels to such serious conversations open up, you know there are signs of a proposal coming your way.

5. Your friends/family are acting up

Keeping a piece of good news to oneself is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. More so, when you’ve been waiting for something for a long time. Overzealous friends, suppressed giggles, and all-knowing glances should be your go-to marriage proposal signs. There are chances that your love interest is taking help from your near and dear ones, to go all out with the proposal. Be vigilant and keep your eyes open to pick up hints from an overtly secretive squad brimming with excitement. When my colleague Ed planned to propose on Christmas, he roped Tiffany’s girl gang (including me) in. Needless to say, we were all too excited when Ed declared he wants to marry his girlfriend of two years. Tiff could sniff out something was amiss, with all of us being too cheerful for no apparent reason. But she could hardly figure out the actual plan. The general air of excitement around us did not catch her attention until Ed popped the question. The moral of the story – don’t be like Tiffany; be watchful of people close to you especially when they are acting too peculiar.

6. He is hiding his cell phone from you

No, we aren’t hinting at trust issues with this one. All we want to say is, he is trying to keep things undercover for the sake of a big reveal later on. We are all guilty of being glued to our screens and carrying our phones along like a limb. But is he getting increasingly possessive of his phone? Is he trying to hide something lest you find out the surprise? These could be subtle signs he is going to propose. Well, what’s in a phone, you may ask. Why would he be hiding his phone, of all things? The reason is, there could be a little text sent to your mom telling her about the planned proposal or a notification about the purchase of a ring sitting snug in his inbox. He sure doesn’t want you to know the surprise beforehand to mess up the moment. And his phone is Mr. Know-It-All for the time being.

7. You start spending more time together

The ‘us’ time finally gets its due. He goes out of his way to find reasons to spend quality time together. The boys’ nights out are being replaced with Netflix and chill sessions at home. Your man now prefers to quietly cuddle up next to you rather than have boisterous fun with his gang. If he’s been striking off bachelor things like gaming with friends to spend more time with you, you know he is ready to take the plunge.

8. He takes a keen interest in others’ weddings

The weddings that he usually got bored of (to the point that he’d rather lock himself up in the bathroom than attend one) are now one of his areas of interest. The same guy who went to a wedding just for the food now takes into consideration all the planning that goes into making it a lavish affair. The guy probably has marriage on his mind, hence, he is paying extra attention to all the nitty-gritty since he needs ideas for planning the perfect wedding. The sudden enthusiastic approach to weddings is one of the signs he is going to propose. Be particularly watchful if he is seeking your opinion on everything seen at the wedding. It could be – “How did you find the decor, babe?” or “Did you like the food? It was too mainstream for a wedding, I’d say.” He is asking for your food and decor choices because, duh, he wants to get everything perfect to the T on your special day.

9. He is planning a vacation with you

This one takes the matter straight into the hands – he is going to propose on vacation. Because…why not? Sun, sand, sea, and a surprise proposal! It sounds perfect, doesn’t it? If you’ve been in a relationship for quite some time now, and he’s displayed a few of the above signs, then planning an unexpected holiday with you is one of the sure-shot signs you’re looking for. A weekend getaway, a staycation, or a trip nearby – he wants to plan a holiday with you because he is going to propose on vacation. Who knows, he might have a few beach proposal ideas up his sleeve. So the next time your boyfriend suggests a trip together, you know there is a possibility of you returning with a little sparkly special something on your fingers!

10. A special occasion is coming up

An approaching birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion gives one the perfect opportunity to propose. My brother Ryan waited months to propose on Christmas. The holiday season has always held a significant place in his heart as he met Candy at one of the locally held Christmas fests. The festival also marks their anniversary together as a couple and so it was his obvious choice to propose on Christmas and celebrate the special moment during the holiday season. Well, all I can say is it gave us all the more reasons to be merry and sing ‘Tis the season to be jolly. Similarly, my friend Rey, in a relationship with David for 4 years, was proposed to on his birthday on the beach. However, with them, David was too enthralled in love to take care of the secrecy. Rey was able to see through his gestures and knew he was going to propose on vacation. So, it is all about being alert and observant to pick up the signs of a proposal coming your way.

11. He introduces you to his family

One of the most obvious signs he is going to propose is when he takes you home to meet his family. Guys are wary of taking their friends home unless that ‘friend’ is more than a friend. If you are lucky to be his chosen one, chances are his family knows you already (because he can’t stop raving about you). And you know the deal is sealed when he takes efforts in the relationship and gets you to meet his family. Your man is proud of you and wants to show you off to his family and friends. This is a bold step for him to take which also goes on to suggest that he is soon going to propose. If you are wondering, “How soon can a man propose?” then you might not get a definite answer. But you sure know he is going to propose to you when you have made your way to his home.

12. He’s been nervous around you

The thought of marrying might be unsettling for some. Even though your man wants to marry you, he gets nervous and anxious around you. The thought of popping the question might be unnerving for him. If you see any such change in your man which makes him panicky, you know he is getting jittery at the thought of ‘the proposal’. After all, it is quite a big relationship milestone for both of you and he would not want to ruin it.

13. He is preparing himself for commitment

Are there any signs he is going to propose on your birthday? Maybe. Your man has expressed that he wants to get committed, maybe after having seen his friends settling down in life with their respective partners. He might be ready to take a leap of faith, now that he sees everyone around him starting their own family. The thought of having a family to go home to is very satisfying and fulfilling. Your man might want that too, with you by his side. How soon can a man propose when he looks ready for commitment? While there is certainly no specific relationship timeline to this, we can tell you for sure that such significant changes in your partner are a sure-shot green signal. Also, when you see your man in a snug financial position and he suggests investing into a future together, he’s definitely ready to embark on a new journey with you. Many or all of these signs of a proposal coming your way might be right there, gaping at you. All you have to do is to open your eyes (and heart) to witness all the love he’s surrounding you with. And if, for any reason, you don’t see these signs, you know what you’ve got to do – take things into your own hands. Go all out with your declaration of love and propose to your man. You are sure to be blessed with happiness in love.

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